Eight down- four to go

During my last treatment on Wednesday I had the wonderful company of my sister and my sister and law. I had my ukulele lesson at the start (I am loving it so much!) and then we just relaxed and chatted for a while. I brought my own lunch this time as I seem to be revulsed by the hospital food now. My nurse told me that happens to nearly everyone. She also said that my love for salty potato chips during this time is normal and that I should embrace it for the weird taste chemo can leave in your mouth.

I had been wanting to go to an art therapy workshop for some time, and since I had some great company with me and no real rush to go anywhere, we headed over when my treatment had finished. There were so many options, as it was an “open-art studio,” which basically means you can do anything you want. We decided on making beaded bracelets. I had definitely forgotten how much fun that can be. You could have painted, worked with clay, made magnets, worked with pastels, really anything you could think of. 

I have been working at a summer camp for the past few weeks. It has been rewarding and challenging alike. I have been proud of myself for being about to make it through the days immediately following my treatment. By the time the weekend comes I´m exhausted, but at least it keeps my mind of things. The camp is a travel day camp for ages 10-14 and each week has a different theme. So far we have had water-park week, golf week, and cooking week. The next, and last two weeks, are adventure week and art week. I´m excited for them, but will also be happy when it is over. 


Durante mi ultimo tratamiento el miércoles, estuve en compañía de mi hermana y cuñada. Tuve mi lección de ukulele al principio  (me encanta!) y después nos relejamos y charlamos por un rato. Traje mi propia comida esta vez porque ahora no me apetece nada la comida del hospital. La enfermera me dijo que eso pasa a casi todo el mundo. También me dijo que mi antojo de patatas durante este tiempo es normal porque la sal ayuda con el sabor que deja la quimio en la boca. 

He estado queriendo ir al taller de arte que hacen en el hospital y como tenia amigas conmigo y sin compromisos, fuimos al taller cuando termino el tratamiento.  Habían tantas opciones a elegir. Fue un taller de arte “abierto,” asi que se podía hacer todo desde pintar, a hacer pulseras, arcilla, o lo que puedas imaginar. Decidimos hacer pulseras con cuentas ensartadas que fue mas divertido hacerlas de lo que recordaba.

Las ultimas tres semanas he estado trabajando en un campamento de verano. Ha sido gratificante y desafiante. He estado orgullosa de mi misma por poder hacerlo los días después de mis tratamientos, aunque estoy agotada cuando llega el fin de semana. El campamento tiene niños de 10-14 años y cada semana tiene un tema diferente. Hemos tenido golf, parques acuáticos, y cocina, y todavía queda la semana de aventura, y arte. Tengo ilusión para las semanas que vienen, pero estar aliviada cuando se han acabado.


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sue Rando
    Aug 11, 2013 @ 20:00:52

    Hi Jenn,
    I am happy to hear that u r nearing the end of chemo! 😉 It’s sounds like u have been keeping very busy. I am (as usual) in awe of how amazing u handle life!! I love u & admire your strength , courage and ability to make a difficult situation a positive experience. Love u hope to see u soon.😘😘😘😘😘


  2. Mom
    Aug 12, 2013 @ 00:55:51

    Jenn, So glad you had such a wonderful day. It was hard for me to leave after Dr Barnes to go to work, except I knew you had lots of good things planned.. I am so pround of the way you are making the most of these days – learning new talents and finding the gifts in each day. You truly inspire me. Lots of love, Mom


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